Text: Galatians 1:3, John 14:27
Divine Peace is not the absence of trouble, wars, hardship and affliction but it is that deep assurance of victory in the face of troubles or affliction. Mark 4:38-39.
Anyone operating in divine peace put his gaze on assurance of victory instead of the trouble. Matthew 14:28, Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 26:3. While natural man look at their problems, a man under divine peace look at the mind of God. Proverb 3:5
The presence of this peace is the absence of fear. Psalm 23:4, Exodus 1:8, 11-12.
Creativity and productivity is achieved when you have divine peace. Psalm 43:5. Grace for divine peace is one of the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5:22. Proof of Christian maturity. Galatians 5:22. Isaiah 9:6.
Boosters of Divine Peace
- Love for God. 2 Corn 5:14
- Joy – Joy helps you to have peace. Isaiah 12:3, Nehemiah 8:10. When joy takes the center place of your heart, peace is inevitable, but where there is no Joy, peace begins to wumble. Prov. 12:20
Roadmap to Divine Peace
- Keep your mind steady on God and his principles. Isaiah 26:3
- Live a clean and upright life. Psalm 37:37
- Fill your heart with positive thinking. Phil 4:8